The day after your swearing of the Hellfire Compact, Cimri wakes early to help carry out a plan designed by Wyran with the help of Kol. Openly working as someone conducting an investigation on behalf of the Archbaron, she begins to make stops at various houses of citizens to inquire if they know the whereabouts of her Aunt Rhona. A shrewd observer would notice that rather than visiting anyone close to Rhona Staleish that might actually have information, Cimiri is visitng known gossipmongers, women who have a penchant for passing on rumor and here-say with much embeliishment and very little verification. An even more shrewd observer might notice that shortly after starting the rumors, Chimri disappears into an alley way, looking over her shoulder and making sure she is not being followed. A few minutes later, she emerges and heads to the Jackdaw Stables. After speaking with Rianne Fortmile and placing a few coins in her hands, Cimri scribbles a note on a slip of paper, which is then attached to a messenger crow, and launched into the air. By late morning, the town is well aware of why Wyran Thrune chose to display the corpses of the 2 former junior deputies in the pillories. The four deputies were involved in a plot to heist unpaid taxes from Jabral Luslik's tannery. After learning that they, along with their suspected ringleader, former Sheriff Rhona Staelish, were being temporarily dismissed from their post, pending a full investigation by Wyran Thrune and his assistants, they decided to ambush and attempt to murder them. To corroborate the story, Junior Deputy Curtwyn (the one who was so eager to load his crossbow in the Sheriff's Office and shoot Wyran) has confessed to being a part of the heist. He wanted a cut of the unpaid taxes so he could "leave this backwater cesspool of a town and travel to be a guard in glorious Westcrown". Curtwyn implicates all other parties, including the surviving Junior Deputy Whitbrook (Female Warrior 2), his two dead allies, and Rhona Staelish. Sadly, Curtwyn being the youngest, least experienced of the deputies, has no idea where the gold is, and believes it may have been taken by Staelish. By noon, a new post goes up on the post board by the church, abd in the Last Stand Tavern - a bounty of 1,000 gold pieces for the capture of Rhona Staelish, ALIVE. The town is a buzz with talk about the scandal. While anger towards the Archbaron's new investigators is lessened, the citizens are no admirers of the Archbaron. The gruesome display of the slain deputies, although now taken down, still shocked and outraged many of the citizens, and is not something that they will soon forget.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
A plan in motion...
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Rebellion Points
Lencia Visserene? The Angel Knight? Glorious Reclamation?
None shall defy the will of House Thrune.
Should the peasants revolt, we will crush them beneath our heel.
Allowing Tileavia Allamar to give her sermon, unchallenged: 3 rebellion points earned.
Answering Dr.Gerya Rohalendi's questions using logic and assurances: 0 rebellion points earned.
Attacking Bolouisia at The Castle Gate: 1 rebellion point earned.
Attacking Bolgart Caggan at The Last Stand Tavern: 1 rebellion point earned.
Killing two junior deputies and putting their corpses on display: 2rebellion points earned.
Wyran donating the services of his nurse hireling to Dr.Rohalendi's hospice house: -1 rebellion point.
Imprisoning two junior deputies: +2 rebellion points.
Wyran's plan to frame the four for the Louslik Tannery heist and Cimri's cooperation in spreading the rumor puts enough doubt in the minds of the people to cause the outrage over their jailing to lose steam. These rebellion points are neutralized.
This rumor combined with Wyran's recounting that the deputies ambushed them with intent to murder reduces the rebellion points from their killing by half. The people of Longacre are still disgusted by the gorey display of corpses in the pillories.
Week 1
Arresting Bolgart Caggan and pillorying him: 1 rebellion point earned.
Murdering the barmaid: 2 rebellion points earned.
Performing torture on Riley Kels: 1 rebellion point earned.
Arresting the other barmaid and Riley Kels adds 1 rebellion point, but since they were both released, the points are removed.
Running Elish Odmer out of town: -1 Rebellion point.
Flyers of The Angel Knight being posted: 1 rebellion point earned.
Wyran's donation to pay Dr.Rohalendi's Hospice taxes: -1 rebellion point.
Defeating the Roach King: -2 rebellion points.
Week 2
Allowing the Glorious Reclamation propaganda flyers to continue into a 2nd week: +1 rebellion points.
Killing Loran Allamar: +3 Rebellion points
Holding Lacall Allamar in jail for longer than 24 hours: +1 Rebellion Points
Routing out and destroying a demonic cult posing a threat to Longacre: -2 Rebellion Points
Ending the propaganda campaign of Caswella Runder: -2 rebellion points
Destroying the Typhilipede Swarm without any of them escaping: -1 Rebellion Point
Execution of Lacall Allamar and Riley Kels in a spectacularly dramatic fasion: +12 Rebellion Points
Killing 6 Townsfolks Rioters:+6 Rebellion Points
Murders at Longacre Armory: +3 rebellion points. (At this point in time, it is unknown WHO was murdered here, but there was enoughmevidence to indicate it was AT LEAST 3 people. These rebellion points are likely to increase once it becomes known that it was Bo and Dent Gramel. The Reclamation soldiers will not earn any further points.)
Total: 29 rebellion points
None shall defy the will of House Thrune.
Should the peasants revolt, we will crush them beneath our heel.
Allowing Tileavia Allamar to give her sermon, unchallenged: 3 rebellion points earned.
Answering Dr.Gerya Rohalendi's questions using logic and assurances: 0 rebellion points earned.
Attacking Bolouisia at The Castle Gate: 1 rebellion point earned.
Attacking Bolgart Caggan at The Last Stand Tavern: 1 rebellion point earned.
Killing two junior deputies and putting their corpses on display: 2rebellion points earned.
Wyran donating the services of his nurse hireling to Dr.Rohalendi's hospice house: -1 rebellion point.
Imprisoning two junior deputies: +2 rebellion points.
Wyran's plan to frame the four for the Louslik Tannery heist and Cimri's cooperation in spreading the rumor puts enough doubt in the minds of the people to cause the outrage over their jailing to lose steam. These rebellion points are neutralized.
This rumor combined with Wyran's recounting that the deputies ambushed them with intent to murder reduces the rebellion points from their killing by half. The people of Longacre are still disgusted by the gorey display of corpses in the pillories.
Week 1
Arresting Bolgart Caggan and pillorying him: 1 rebellion point earned.
Murdering the barmaid: 2 rebellion points earned.
Performing torture on Riley Kels: 1 rebellion point earned.
Arresting the other barmaid and Riley Kels adds 1 rebellion point, but since they were both released, the points are removed.
Running Elish Odmer out of town: -1 Rebellion point.
Flyers of The Angel Knight being posted: 1 rebellion point earned.
Wyran's donation to pay Dr.Rohalendi's Hospice taxes: -1 rebellion point.
Defeating the Roach King: -2 rebellion points.
Week 2
Allowing the Glorious Reclamation propaganda flyers to continue into a 2nd week: +1 rebellion points.
Killing Loran Allamar: +3 Rebellion points
Holding Lacall Allamar in jail for longer than 24 hours: +1 Rebellion Points
Routing out and destroying a demonic cult posing a threat to Longacre: -2 Rebellion Points
Ending the propaganda campaign of Caswella Runder: -2 rebellion points
Destroying the Typhilipede Swarm without any of them escaping: -1 Rebellion Point
Execution of Lacall Allamar and Riley Kels in a spectacularly dramatic fasion: +12 Rebellion Points
Killing 6 Townsfolks Rioters:+6 Rebellion Points
Murders at Longacre Armory: +3 rebellion points. (At this point in time, it is unknown WHO was murdered here, but there was enoughmevidence to indicate it was AT LEAST 3 people. These rebellion points are likely to increase once it becomes known that it was Bo and Dent Gramel. The Reclamation soldiers will not earn any further points.)
Total: 29 rebellion points
Swearing the Hellfire Compact
Archbaron Fex stares at you through narrowly slitted eyes.
“There is one other matter to attend to. Queen Abrogail has decreed that in this time of national crisis, all agents of the crown must reaffirm their loyalty to their lord, House Thrune, and Cheliax by swearing the Hellfire Compact. If you’re to serve in the queen’s name, I must insist." Archbaron peers at you all lazily, as if not overly concerned whether or not you'll swear the oath.
One by one, you each agree to swear the oath, including Cimri Staelish.
"Very well. Priest Dalvera, they have all agreed. Would you step out and be our witness?" Archbaron Fex speaks out loud. From the thick curtain behind Archbaron Fex's desk, a man in half-plate armor and clerical garbs of Asmodeus forth.

Where Archbaron Fex has a look of constant boredom, this man seems to have an expression of disdain chiseled out of stone.
"This is Lazzero Dalvera, Cleric of Asmodeus. He is visiting Longacre from Egorian. I thought it would be a privilege if he were to preside over you swearing the Hellfire Compact, to add just a bit more legitimacy to it..." Archbaron Fex is suddenly interrupted by Dalvera.
"I was last visiting Egorian, but I am not from there. I travel throughout Cheliax, enforcing the will of God-Fiend Asmodeus. The Dark Prince guided my travels to this location in response to the citizenry's unrest and questionable loyalty to House Thrune. I am pleased to see that Archbaron Fex is taking steps to curb this dissent." speaks Lazzero Dalvera, his face looking anything except for 'pleased', "I am thus far content to bide my time and allow the Archbaron and your group to proceed as you wish."
Archbaron Fex allows a moment of uncomfortable silence as he glares angrily at Dalvera. Clearly, the Archbaron is not a man who is accustomed to being interrupted.
" we were discussing, the Hellfire Compact is not a magically compelling oath, nor will it bind your souls to Hell or any Archfiend. All the same, you should take it seriously, as it will induct you into the bottom ranks of the Cheliax Government, that is, House Thrune. While it will not force you to behave loyally, it will grant any member of House Thrune or any legally recognized Inquisitor parties to hunt you down, torture you, and dispose of you as they see fit, should your actions be deemed treacherous. Should you be reconsidering, I swear on my title as Archbaron, that should you wish to leave my employ, I will grant you free and safe passage from Longacre, so long as our dealings remain clandestine."
Archbaron Fex allows a few moments to pass, and when no one speaks up, he continues.
"Very well. This...", he says, pulling a black velvet rope and pulling back the thick curtains behind his desk, revealing a golden stand gripping a chunk of black crystal that smolders like a gigantic, hellish ember, filling the room with a crimsonglow the color of blood. "is an ember drawn from the forges of Phlegethon, which burns with the power of Hellfire. There is a pain associated with swearing the compact, but it will not last, and it must be allowed to heal naturally. When you are ready, you will grasp the ember as a group using your left hand and repeat after me."
Each of you steps forward, and on a nod from Wyran, each reach out to place the palm of one hand on the ember, which burns intensely.
"I swear my absolute allegiance to Archbaron Darellus Fex, Her Infernal Majestrix Queen
Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, and the Empire of Cheliax."
“There is one other matter to attend to. Queen Abrogail has decreed that in this time of national crisis, all agents of the crown must reaffirm their loyalty to their lord, House Thrune, and Cheliax by swearing the Hellfire Compact. If you’re to serve in the queen’s name, I must insist." Archbaron peers at you all lazily, as if not overly concerned whether or not you'll swear the oath.
One by one, you each agree to swear the oath, including Cimri Staelish.
"Very well. Priest Dalvera, they have all agreed. Would you step out and be our witness?" Archbaron Fex speaks out loud. From the thick curtain behind Archbaron Fex's desk, a man in half-plate armor and clerical garbs of Asmodeus forth.
Where Archbaron Fex has a look of constant boredom, this man seems to have an expression of disdain chiseled out of stone.
"This is Lazzero Dalvera, Cleric of Asmodeus. He is visiting Longacre from Egorian. I thought it would be a privilege if he were to preside over you swearing the Hellfire Compact, to add just a bit more legitimacy to it..." Archbaron Fex is suddenly interrupted by Dalvera.
"I was last visiting Egorian, but I am not from there. I travel throughout Cheliax, enforcing the will of God-Fiend Asmodeus. The Dark Prince guided my travels to this location in response to the citizenry's unrest and questionable loyalty to House Thrune. I am pleased to see that Archbaron Fex is taking steps to curb this dissent." speaks Lazzero Dalvera, his face looking anything except for 'pleased', "I am thus far content to bide my time and allow the Archbaron and your group to proceed as you wish."
Archbaron Fex allows a moment of uncomfortable silence as he glares angrily at Dalvera. Clearly, the Archbaron is not a man who is accustomed to being interrupted.
" we were discussing, the Hellfire Compact is not a magically compelling oath, nor will it bind your souls to Hell or any Archfiend. All the same, you should take it seriously, as it will induct you into the bottom ranks of the Cheliax Government, that is, House Thrune. While it will not force you to behave loyally, it will grant any member of House Thrune or any legally recognized Inquisitor parties to hunt you down, torture you, and dispose of you as they see fit, should your actions be deemed treacherous. Should you be reconsidering, I swear on my title as Archbaron, that should you wish to leave my employ, I will grant you free and safe passage from Longacre, so long as our dealings remain clandestine."
Archbaron Fex allows a few moments to pass, and when no one speaks up, he continues.
"Very well. This...", he says, pulling a black velvet rope and pulling back the thick curtains behind his desk, revealing a golden stand gripping a chunk of black crystal that smolders like a gigantic, hellish ember, filling the room with a crimsonglow the color of blood. "is an ember drawn from the forges of Phlegethon, which burns with the power of Hellfire. There is a pain associated with swearing the compact, but it will not last, and it must be allowed to heal naturally. When you are ready, you will grasp the ember as a group using your left hand and repeat after me."
Each of you steps forward, and on a nod from Wyran, each reach out to place the palm of one hand on the ember, which burns intensely.
"I swear my absolute allegiance to Archbaron Darellus Fex, Her Infernal Majestrix Queen
Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, and the Empire of Cheliax."
(You each take 3 fire damage and 3 unholy damage. If you are evil, the unholy damage is negated. Any resistance to fire will also negate the fire damage. Even if damage is reduced to 0, there is a very tender, sore spot on the palm of your hand for the next 6 hours where the symbol of Thrune has been burned into your left palm.)
"It is done." says Archbaron Fex, a very, very slight smile on his face.
"“I told you they’d be up to the vow,” says a deep voice “And eager to get to work, I suspect. Which is good, considering what I’ve just uncovered.” says a nasally voice from somewhere in the room.
"Enough of your theatrics, Razelego, come out and tell us what you have learned of this 'Angel Knight'." Says Archbaron Fex, sitting back down in his chair.
Crawling from one of the high alcoves in the wall, a bizarre looking creatures reveals itself, scuttling down from the walls, with parchment and pen in hand.
"It is done." says Archbaron Fex, a very, very slight smile on his face.
"“I told you they’d be up to the vow,” says a deep voice “And eager to get to work, I suspect. Which is good, considering what I’ve just uncovered.” says a nasally voice from somewhere in the room.
"Enough of your theatrics, Razelego, come out and tell us what you have learned of this 'Angel Knight'." Says Archbaron Fex, sitting back down in his chair.
Crawling from one of the high alcoves in the wall, a bizarre looking creatures reveals itself, scuttling down from the walls, with parchment and pen in hand.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
A Trip to the Last Stand Tavern.
Seeking to preserve his store of psionic power, the enigmatic figure Maldis pays a visit to The Last Stand Tavern, in part to partake in consumption of prepared food, but also hoping to overhear useful intel being discussed by the number of patrons who seem to also require sustenance. Noting the height of the sun, you recall that lesser beings who require food have a tendency to consume when the sun is at it's peak. Taking no particular care, you are able to walk in to the tavern on the heels of a group of large human males who have a strong odor of sweat and dirt. Repulsive.
"AYE, BOLGART!" bellows the largest of the men, a peasant who smells strongly of barn dung, walking to the bar. A pale man with red hair, and a dullard, uneducated look about him pokes his head through a serving window. "Dukes! I see you've brought your sorry arse and your dingleberry riffraff in to my fine establishment. I hope ye brought plenty of coin with ya'." He shouts back. His words convey hostility, but the tone is light-hearted. An established rapport between the humans.
"We brought enough, you bloated tick. Might'n have a little bit more if ye' serving up some of that Lava Drake Chili for lunch." bellows the large man. You've taken a seat in the farthest corner of the tavern, completely unnoticed by the hungry crowd. A young woman steps into your line of sight asking for your drink order. You wave her off, muttering irritably that you only want clean water.
"Not today. Tomorrow fer sure. I'll be puttin a big pot on to cook tonight. Today, it's carved wild turkey and mulberry sauce with them sweet lil' carrots."
"Odd choice of food, but as long as you pulled out the feathers this time, I'll take a heaping plate." shouts the fat man at 'Bolgart', the cook, who has dissapeared behind the window again.
"You'll take the same portion as the rest of my guest, you fat-bellied hog!" he shouts, giving the large man and his fellow workers a good laugh. "Haha, Bolgart", he says with a mirthful smile, "Yer not exactly a spring piglet yourself."
The group chuckles as they take their seats and accept their brews. Several minutes go by, water and food placed in front of you. You ingest them with no particular delight beyond satisfying the pit in your gut.
Partway through their meal, the cook referred to as "Bolgart" comes out and speaks, a bit quieter to the large man. Not wanting to miss their words, you grab your mug of water, pour it on the wooden floor and walk smoothly up to the far end of the bar, mug in hand, and excuse to get closer without being obvious.
"Yeah, I heard already. News travels fast." replies Bolgart. "Heard the poor boy is all kinds of bruised and swole'. Gon' be laid up for weeks at least. Poor lil' Abbie an' Archie had a number done on them, lil mutts aint never hurt a soul."
"Yea, worse n' all that is the got his entire earnings. Even took his ledger. He's 'bout done collapsed into a full on fit. Not sure how he'll be recovering. " says the large man, stuffing a slice of turkey covered in mulberry sauce into his mouth.
"Be relyin on those indebted to him to be honest I'spose" says Bolgart wiping his hands on his apron, as the young girl from earlier pours you some ale, grumbling something beneath her breath. You smile, hoping to deflect her from saying anything directly to you and causing you to miss the conversation.
"I'm just worried about who might've been so brave to break into the tannery and had the knowledge of how much gold he was keepin' there. At first, I thought bandits, but then..." the large man looks around and leans in just a tad, "I heard that the Remesiana shipment was laid out right in the open, and they didn't even touch it. What kind of bandits would rob the tannery, but leave a small fortune in fine armor untouched. I think maybe the Archbaron came to collect what was owed to him, and maybe a little bit of extra, from Louslik for all the negative things he's said the last few months. That's just pure speculatin' on my part though." he finishes, taking a large gulp from his mug.
"The Archbaron? Petty thievery? Seems a bit minor when he could just confiscate the taxes by law, but then again, who knows what goes through his demented head." As Bolgart finishes his though, he notices you and makes eye contact. A brief moment as he struggles to attach a name to your face, and when he realizes he can't, he grabs a shot glass and goes to polish it, his expression turning sour. "Anyways, guess I best be gettin' back and gettin' the meat diced for tomorrow's chili. Take care of yourself, Brent. Boys, I'll be seein' ya' tonight for drinks I hope. Work hard and bring me lots of shiny silver." The large man, Brent, and his workers say their goodbyes, finish their meals, and leave the tavern, leaving you alone to think on what you've heard.
"AYE, BOLGART!" bellows the largest of the men, a peasant who smells strongly of barn dung, walking to the bar. A pale man with red hair, and a dullard, uneducated look about him pokes his head through a serving window. "Dukes! I see you've brought your sorry arse and your dingleberry riffraff in to my fine establishment. I hope ye brought plenty of coin with ya'." He shouts back. His words convey hostility, but the tone is light-hearted. An established rapport between the humans.
"We brought enough, you bloated tick. Might'n have a little bit more if ye' serving up some of that Lava Drake Chili for lunch." bellows the large man. You've taken a seat in the farthest corner of the tavern, completely unnoticed by the hungry crowd. A young woman steps into your line of sight asking for your drink order. You wave her off, muttering irritably that you only want clean water.
"Not today. Tomorrow fer sure. I'll be puttin a big pot on to cook tonight. Today, it's carved wild turkey and mulberry sauce with them sweet lil' carrots."
"Odd choice of food, but as long as you pulled out the feathers this time, I'll take a heaping plate." shouts the fat man at 'Bolgart', the cook, who has dissapeared behind the window again.
"You'll take the same portion as the rest of my guest, you fat-bellied hog!" he shouts, giving the large man and his fellow workers a good laugh. "Haha, Bolgart", he says with a mirthful smile, "Yer not exactly a spring piglet yourself."
The group chuckles as they take their seats and accept their brews. Several minutes go by, water and food placed in front of you. You ingest them with no particular delight beyond satisfying the pit in your gut.
Partway through their meal, the cook referred to as "Bolgart" comes out and speaks, a bit quieter to the large man. Not wanting to miss their words, you grab your mug of water, pour it on the wooden floor and walk smoothly up to the far end of the bar, mug in hand, and excuse to get closer without being obvious.
"Yeah, I heard already. News travels fast." replies Bolgart. "Heard the poor boy is all kinds of bruised and swole'. Gon' be laid up for weeks at least. Poor lil' Abbie an' Archie had a number done on them, lil mutts aint never hurt a soul."
"Yea, worse n' all that is the got his entire earnings. Even took his ledger. He's 'bout done collapsed into a full on fit. Not sure how he'll be recovering. " says the large man, stuffing a slice of turkey covered in mulberry sauce into his mouth.
"Be relyin on those indebted to him to be honest I'spose" says Bolgart wiping his hands on his apron, as the young girl from earlier pours you some ale, grumbling something beneath her breath. You smile, hoping to deflect her from saying anything directly to you and causing you to miss the conversation.
"I'm just worried about who might've been so brave to break into the tannery and had the knowledge of how much gold he was keepin' there. At first, I thought bandits, but then..." the large man looks around and leans in just a tad, "I heard that the Remesiana shipment was laid out right in the open, and they didn't even touch it. What kind of bandits would rob the tannery, but leave a small fortune in fine armor untouched. I think maybe the Archbaron came to collect what was owed to him, and maybe a little bit of extra, from Louslik for all the negative things he's said the last few months. That's just pure speculatin' on my part though." he finishes, taking a large gulp from his mug.
"The Archbaron? Petty thievery? Seems a bit minor when he could just confiscate the taxes by law, but then again, who knows what goes through his demented head." As Bolgart finishes his though, he notices you and makes eye contact. A brief moment as he struggles to attach a name to your face, and when he realizes he can't, he grabs a shot glass and goes to polish it, his expression turning sour. "Anyways, guess I best be gettin' back and gettin' the meat diced for tomorrow's chili. Take care of yourself, Brent. Boys, I'll be seein' ya' tonight for drinks I hope. Work hard and bring me lots of shiny silver." The large man, Brent, and his workers say their goodbyes, finish their meals, and leave the tavern, leaving you alone to think on what you've heard.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Tsadok's trip to buy armor.
After a frustrating hour walking through Longacre, you find yourself unable to locate anything like an armor shop. The town's "armory" is laughable. You walked in to the building just to discover it was an unattended museum of relic armor and weapons that belonged to 'famous' soldiers who fought in the Chelexian Civil War and happened to be from Longacre. The retired ballista they had on display was pretty interesting, but not what you needed.
After not being able to find anything ,you decide to break down and ask someone. You get the usual frightened looks as you try to explain what you're looking for. For a bunch of retired "veterans", these humans sure do seem afraid of a large half-orc with a massive spiked hammer on his back. Eventually, you ask a grizzled looking white-haired man with a huge scar in his cheek.
"Armor? Yeah, don't have much of a place to buy that. General store could always order you some, if you'll be sticking around town a bit. Otherwise Miss Rustward might have some that could fit you. Just be polite with her, and she'll probably be more than willing to sell or trade."
The man gives you directions, which take you to The Rees House (Building 16 on the map).
Karrio Rustward is a slightly attractive woman, clearly having gained a few more pounds in the last few years as she enters middle age. Shoulder length blonde hair, with blue eyes, and an appropriate amount of make up make her easy enough to look at.
You engage her in short, direct conversation. Clearly a little preturbed about you, you do your best to appear "civilized", at least to human standards.
"Actually, we may have something in just your size. Marketti's father recently became ill, and he sold us his chainmail armor in order to help fund a trip to Westcrown to get assistance from the church of Asmodeus. He was a robust man in your age. Come with me." Miss Rustward leads you to a very large shed in the backyard of the house. Unlock two different locks, and muttering something beneath her breath, she opens the doors. Inside you see numerous farming implements, wracks of tools, and a dozen mannequins modeling dusty armor.
"Here we are." she says, pointing to a set of dusty chainmail. The size looks about right. Looking it over, you notice right about the heart area, a chunk of metal has been fused into the chain links. You peer closely at it, and Miss Rustward speaks up, "Ahh, a minor bit of damage. As the story goes, Marketti's grandfather, Randolpho blindly charged an Andoran Gunner, in order to protect his commanding officer. The Gunner shot a flaming bullet at Randolpho from point blank range, and just barely missed killing him. Randolpho proceeded to separate the Andoran's gun arm from the rest of his body, and lived to father 3 boys after the war. Shall we negotiate?" She says, smiling widely.
After not being able to find anything ,you decide to break down and ask someone. You get the usual frightened looks as you try to explain what you're looking for. For a bunch of retired "veterans", these humans sure do seem afraid of a large half-orc with a massive spiked hammer on his back. Eventually, you ask a grizzled looking white-haired man with a huge scar in his cheek.
"Armor? Yeah, don't have much of a place to buy that. General store could always order you some, if you'll be sticking around town a bit. Otherwise Miss Rustward might have some that could fit you. Just be polite with her, and she'll probably be more than willing to sell or trade."
The man gives you directions, which take you to The Rees House (Building 16 on the map).
Karrio Rustward is a slightly attractive woman, clearly having gained a few more pounds in the last few years as she enters middle age. Shoulder length blonde hair, with blue eyes, and an appropriate amount of make up make her easy enough to look at.
You engage her in short, direct conversation. Clearly a little preturbed about you, you do your best to appear "civilized", at least to human standards.
"Actually, we may have something in just your size. Marketti's father recently became ill, and he sold us his chainmail armor in order to help fund a trip to Westcrown to get assistance from the church of Asmodeus. He was a robust man in your age. Come with me." Miss Rustward leads you to a very large shed in the backyard of the house. Unlock two different locks, and muttering something beneath her breath, she opens the doors. Inside you see numerous farming implements, wracks of tools, and a dozen mannequins modeling dusty armor.
"Here we are." she says, pointing to a set of dusty chainmail. The size looks about right. Looking it over, you notice right about the heart area, a chunk of metal has been fused into the chain links. You peer closely at it, and Miss Rustward speaks up, "Ahh, a minor bit of damage. As the story goes, Marketti's grandfather, Randolpho blindly charged an Andoran Gunner, in order to protect his commanding officer. The Gunner shot a flaming bullet at Randolpho from point blank range, and just barely missed killing him. Randolpho proceeded to separate the Andoran's gun arm from the rest of his body, and lived to father 3 boys after the war. Shall we negotiate?" She says, smiling widely.
Friday, May 12, 2017
The following are some of the more notable shops and
locations in Longacre.
1. The Arch and Lark: The least popular pub in
Longacre—which is to say, the town’s only other pub
after the Last Stand—the Arch and Lark caters to local
and traveling nobility. As Archbaron Fex never socializes
in Longacre and wealthy passers-through are a rarity,
the Arch is rarely busy. Ale-hating owner Fordaneil
Cembers (N female human rogue 2) spends most of
her time disdainfully selling watered-down wine to
pretentious locals and travelers who don’t know any
better. Cembers looks down her sharply pointed nose
at Bolgart Caggan and his establishment, calling him
an “oaf who caters to oafs.” Conversely, she fawns over
anyone she thinks could enhance her establishment’s
reputation or fulfill her dreams of receiving an
endorsement from the archbaron himself.
2. Ash House: Formerly Moragatalli Manor, home to
one of Longacre’s pre-Thrune noble families, this burnt
ruin lies on the outskirts of town.
3. Castle Gate: The westernmost of Longacre’s three
gates, the Castle Gate is so named for its distinctive stone
4. Church of Iomedae: Fifth Sword Knight Tileavia
Allamar and her twin sons oversee the local temple of
5. Gield’s General Store: Sisters Immona and Olla
Gield (N female human commoners 2) grew up among
the produce stands and bolts of rough cloth that line the
rows of Gield’s General Store. Their days of getting yelled
at for playing tag between customers’ legs long past, the
middle-aged sisters now run the shop. They maintain a
modest selection of goods, and between the two of them
the Gields know everyone in town. The sisters often match
the goods and skills of locals with the needs of others,
making their store one of the most useful gossiping
posts in town. Additionally, Estabeth Gield (LN venerable
female human ranger 3), the sisters’ mother and the store’s
uncompromising former proprietress, spends her days
at the shop visiting with neighbors and infantilizing
her daughters from a thronelike rocking chair. The old
woman insists that, so long as she lives, local veterans
will never pay full price in her store, offering generous
discounts to anyone with known or provable military
service—though she has to deem that service worthwhile.
6. The Jackdaw: Formally known as Jackdaw Stables,
the town’s livery also serves as Longacre’s post office and
shipping company. Owner Dilman “Dilly” Fortmile (LG
middle-aged male human expert 4) runs the stables and
a local cargo delivery service with the help of his three
strapping children, Bennie, Rianne, and Telas (N male
and female human experts 1). In recent years, what began
as Rianne’s hobby has resurrected the business that gave
the Jackdaw its name: a carrier crow messenger service.
From the stable’s loft, Rianne can send and receive brief
messages to and from Remesiana, Senara, and nearby
Whisperwood lumber camps. Rianne hopes to grow her
small side business, but recently she’s been trying to
figure out what to do about the messenger crows bearing
missives with royal markings that have begun stopping
at her roost.
7. Kemmaino Market: Dealing in fresh produce from
the town’s outlying farms, the town grocery is named for
its proprietors, Huxlam and Darlyne Kemmaino (NG male
and female human commoners 3). The couple’s 12-yearold
daughter, Jemmy, helps out by carrying deliveries
around town, but has a reputation as a troublemaker.
8. The Last Stand Tavern: The most popular
establishment in Longacre, this tavern and its owner,
9. Longacre Armory: Despite the name, the armory
has only the most tenuous connection to Cheliax’s army.
More a museum to the achievements of Longacre’s
residents than a true military institute, the armory
enshrines the arms of local veterans.
10. Longacre Historical Society: Mrs. Ilmerri Unero
(N female human expert 2) knows more about what once
went on in Longacre—and less about what’s currently
happening—than anyone else in town. As the curator of
a small library of dry, locally written histories and civil
documents, Mrs. Unero eagerly spends hours regaling
visitors with details of centuries-old economic trends
and the romantic gossip of long-dead local celebrities.
Additionally, she keeps a small cache of funds with which
to purchase any items of historic value that might pass
through the society’s doors.
11. Longacre Jail: Sheriff Rhona Staelish and her
deputies maintain order in Longacre from their offices
inside the town jail. The sheriff much prefers public
shame and humiliation over incarceration, and the two
pillories outside the jail see far more use than the pair
of cells inside.
12. Longacre Notary: The seat of civil bureaucracy in
Longacre, the local notary serves as a go-between for
Archbaron Fex and the townsfolk, ensuring that neither
has to interact with the other overly much. Deeds,
titles, family records, writs of passage, and all manner
of contracts and receipts form mountains of clutter
that only notary Wenbrade Brakenbol (NE male human
expert 2) knows how to navigate. The archbaron keeps
Brakenbol on a comfortable salary, making sure that
records disappear or feature useful revisions when it
suits him. The rest of the town finds the gaunt, longhaired
70-year-old selfish, but efficient enough if you
slip him an extra silver.
13.Mayor’s House: Formerly the home of Longacre’s
last mayor, Julive Wotimmir, this prestigious home
lies near the road to Archbaron Fex’s own
estate, Scarlet Crown. Despite being one
of the town’s largest and most impressive
homes, the mayor’s house has stood empty
for the past 8 years, ever since Wotimmir
disappeared. None particularly missed
the mayor or cared when the archbaron’s
unapologetic flunky went missing. The
townsfolk haven’t bothered to appoint
a new mayor, and things have run
smoothly enough without one, causing the
archbaron to often forget about the vacancy.
Now, the house’s interior is dusty, its few valuables
undisturbed, while the basement’s hidden
shrine to Mephistopheles quietly
entombs the evidence of Wotimmir
and her house cat’s semi-tragic end.
14. Odmer’s Tonics: The painting of a
rainbow-hued imp exploding from a bottle
makes the gaudy wheeled storefront of Elish Odmer (NE
male human alchemistAPG 3), normally parked in one of
Longacre’s town squares, look like the cart of a common
snake oil salesman. And that’s exactly what it is. Elish
Odmer claims to have ties directly to the Nine Wonders
Conglomerate, a Thuvian corporation dedicated to
bringing the secrets of their mystical medicines and
revolutionary tinctures to the world at large. Few believe
the Nine Wonders even exist, and everyone in Longacre
knows the story of how Odmer was banned from town
for a year after brewing a batch of bad moonshine in
Natisha Howell’s bathtub. Regardless of the shyster’s
reputation, he’s a charming flatterer who occasionally
has useful items on hand. Most of Odmer’s brightly
colored bottles are junk, but anyone who succeeds at a
DC 12 Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana) check can
find any alchemical item with a cost of less than 75 gp
in stock.
15. The Old Lodge: Longacre once hosted a small
congregation of Erastil worshipers, but all that remains
of their church now is four sturdy posts and a mossy
roof hanging over a half-sheltered altar in an overgrown
thicket just outside town. Now, only the most daring
children visit the ruined lodge. Local stories give the
place a reputation as haunted, claiming that the god of
hunters guards his sanctuary until his faithful return.
In truth, a former priest of Erastil who resided here
cultivated a range of exotic plants. In the decades since
her death, a breed of cerulean flowering assassin vine has
choked most of the other plants around the ruin. While
it hasn’t resulted in the death of any Longacre residents,
it has been responsible for the disappearance of a pet or
two. The corpses of wild animals and the vines’ slithering
rustle further cement the lodge’s ominous reputation.
16. The Rees House: When her eccentric friend and
neighbor Ogana Rees passed away 10 years ago, Karrio
Rutsward (N female human bard 2) took it upon
herself to sell what she could of the spinster’s
numerous and eclectic collections. She
opened the Rees home, tagged every
knickknack—from dozens of old books to
a legion of whimsically carved pigs—with
prices in coppers and let any interested
buyer wander through. Since then, Karrio
has raised hundreds of gold for Rees’s
family, taking only a modest cut for
herself. Her success has been such
that locals have brought their own attic
boxes, homemade crafts, unwanted
furniture, and the like to the Rees
House, letting Karrio install
their goods. Now, every room
of the cramped house has a
theme—boxes, kitchen supplies,
knitting, and woodcrafts among
them. Metal sculptures, old plows, and scarecrows even
lean in the muddy yard. Those who seem capable and
like they have the money to pay might even convince
Karrio to unlock the “armor shed,” a dusty, cobweb-thick
shack filled with bladed farming implements, old metal
weapons, and armor—mostly dinged but functional
chainmail and breastplates of standard issue Chelaxian
military design. Karrio has a 70% chance of having any
common weapon or piece of armor the PCs want, and
sells her wares at 90% of the normal price. Every item
she sells has some quirk or distinctive feature, though,
like the initials of a former owner, a bent hilt or flange,
or a distinctive design.
17. Rohalendi’s Hospice: Fifteen years ago, Gerya
Rohalendi (NG female human commoner 5) opened
her home to an elderly retiree who could no longer live
alone. In doing so, she realized that dozens of Longacre’s
elderly were struggling to survive and faced uncertain
futures. Over several years, she transformed her home
into a charity hospice, opening her doors to those in
need of medical care and devoting herself to offering
the heroes of her country and community dignity in
their advanced years. Rohalendi currently shares her
home with five local seniors in need of assistance. She
finds her work in caring for them—as well as creating
and delivering a variety of balms and poultices to others
about town—richly rewarding but far from profitable,
and she’s recently had to let go of her only assistant.
Despite various small fundraising events, Rohalendi is
struggling to make ends meet, making the future of her
hospice and those in her care uncertain.
18. Ruckleer’s Home: Everyone knows Tealan
Ruckleer is a retired warmage who spent most of his
youth in service to the Chelish crown. Ruckleer never
speaks of his military service or uses anything but the
most minor cantrips in public, his elusiveness on the
matter heightening rumors of his explosive
battle prowess. In truth, the old man never
slung fireballs or controlled foes’ minds, as
his specialization was necromancy. In his
retirement, Tealan Ruckleer (N male human
necromancer 7) lives a private life and has
mostly cast off the trappings of his magical
past, though he can be convinced to provide
spellcasting services for the right price and
keeps a wand of animate dead hidden in his
kitchen—just in case.
19. Trellis: A flower shop run by Abrammo
and Dahdria Lieklan (NG male and female
human fighters 1), Trellis displays an
almost comprehensive assortment
of local flowers, from delicate ivory
auspices to black roses—a national
favorite. The couple also cultivates
a wide variety of restorative teas and
herbs, which account for most of their income. The
shop is currently closed. Those who succeed at a DC 18
Diplomacy check to gather information learn that the
Lieklans departed hastily 2 weeks ago to collect their
recently orphaned grandsons.
20. The Wilmore House: Indisputably Longacre’s
oldest resident, Miss Nisra Wilmore (N venerable
female human witchAPG 5) has a reputation for indulging
strange superstitions and for keeping a small legion of
identical white cats. Although none can say exactly how
old Miss Wilmore is, most assume she’s well over 110
years old. Rumors swirl around the Wilmore House,
most related to its guardian cats and the strangely
colored smoke that frequently spirals from its chimney.
Those who investigate find Miss Wilmore welcoming,
even if her strangely changeable accent and the peppery
smell of her home set most ill at ease. She openly offers
her curative magic to those who earn her good favor,
but still charges a fee—she has a lot of mouths to feed,
after all.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Character Creation Tips
Important things to keep in mind during character design ;
A word on alignment:
This is an evil campaign but it is heavily focused on Lawful Evil.
Neutral and other evil alignments (Chaotic Evil & Neutral Evul) may be played.
Neutral, Lawful Neutral, and Chatoic Neutral alignments will be difficult alignments to maintain, as described by the adventure books, due to the core idea of the path being that your characters willingly engage in evil, even vile, acts and will consort with devils.
This campaign is not compatible with characters of good alignment
Keep in mind the themes that D&D has with the Lawful Evil alighment:
Lawful evil upholds a basic code of conduct in order to maintain some sort of sembalance of civilization. Lawful Evils are not psycopathic murderers. They do not revel in blood shed for the sake of it. This is the scope of chaotic evil.
Lawful evil is typically associated with tyranny & slavery, oppressive rules and systems that favor those already in power while keeping down the masses, and strategically outwitting your foes to bring about their demise.
The Setting
The leading rulers of Cheliax inherited their positions from those who knowingly bargained away their nation to the powers of Hell, inhabited by lawful evil fiends who exist to enslave mortal souls through trickery, subterfuge, and by signing away themselves to Hell in the afterlife through infernal bargains, complicated legalese contracts that never favor the mortal.
Life in Cheliax is not all hellfire and brimstone. Many rural peasants live in relative safety, so long as they do their job, and keep their mouths shut. Seeing a devil roam freely is uncommon, but not unheard of. All citizens and visitors of Cheliax know that speaking ill of House Thrune, the Church of Asmodeus, or Diablorie in general is a good way to end up being rounded up and dragged into a major urban area to be made an example of.
Devils differ from Demons, in that demons revel in utter chaos and suffering of all living things.
Demons want to tear your soul to shreds with their vicious teeth. Devils want you to sign it away to them on a contract.
Their are numerous other extraplanar fiends that exist between and amongst the two, but as low level characters, the differences are unimportant.
There are some character options to keep in mind, that do not usually fit into other campaigns:
Tieflings face no prejudice in Cheliax as they might elsewhere. Many are admired for their exotic appearance. (Consider Tiefling sub-category: Hellspawn, those who descend from devils)
Antipaladin, as well as Hell Knight Enforcer and Hell Knight Commander prestige classes.
(These characters represent a sort of Royal Guard for Cheliax and command fear & respect anywhere they go in the nation.
Conjurer Wizards, and Diabolist Prestige Class (Any wizard specializing in the ability to summon and command devils is held in very high esteem anywhere in Cheliax. Be warned, trying to bargain with fiends who sole purpose is to trick and enslave mortals is no easy task. Diplomacy will be a very important skill.)
Evil Priests, especially followers of Asmodeus. (This is your chance to look at some of the evil themed domains that you typically cannot choose from. Also keep in mind that in a nation where so much of the clergy worships dark gods and channels negative energy, healing magic is scarcer than elsewhere.)
Monks - Asmodeus has his own followers in the monasteries of Cheliax, who have developed their own fighting style - The path of The Hamtula (Barbed Devil)
Shadow Magic, Shadow Races - The nation of Cheliax borders Nidal, another evil nation in service to Zon'Kuthon, god of mutilation and torture. Nidal exists in a state of eternal dusk and night. Although of differing alignments and goals, Cheliax and Nidal have a certain...understanding. It is not uncommon to see a person of Nidalese birth in Cheliax. They are tolerated so long as they behave. Your character could very well be a pale skinned human spellcaster focusing on shadow magic, or a race which favors the eternally gloom and dark Nidal, such as a Drow, Dhampir, Fetchling, Orc (most of who cannot tolerate sunlight), Hobgoblin, or Wayangs. Remember though - Cheliax has normal day/night cycles.
Remember to try and balance your party: A party without a wide array of strengths is a party with a huge weakness. The very typical D&D party consists of Fighter,Cleric,Wizard, and Rogue. Less precisely, these can be thought of as Meat Shield, Healer, Magic Guy, and Skills Guy. Having only gone through 3 of the books, I can say that a party without a rogue, or equally SKILLFULL character is going to face some disadvantages, as big parts of this campaign require subterfuge, stealth, and clever thinking.
Things that MAY work against you:
Being a halfling - Halflings face some of the cruelest of all oppression in Cheliax, where they are universally assumed to be some someone's slave. Free halflings are a rare and short lived thing. Gnomes do not fair much better.
Associating with Demons - The rulers of Cheliax keep their demoniacs and other demon summoners on VERY, VERY short leashes, and are quick to dispose of them the moment they think them to be too dangerous to keep. Demoniacs not in service to someone with enough clout to vouch for them are targeted for capture by Hellknights, and are refused services by most anyone in an urban area, due to the business owner not wanting to be arrested for association.
Worshipping a Chaotic Deity - Although this undoubtly happens all over Cheliax, most are willing to turn a blind eye as long as worship is done in secrecy. Openly spreading the gospel of any chaotic deity is a quick way to find yourself at the business end of the lash.
A word on alignment:
This is an evil campaign but it is heavily focused on Lawful Evil.
Neutral and other evil alignments (Chaotic Evil & Neutral Evul) may be played.
Neutral, Lawful Neutral, and Chatoic Neutral alignments will be difficult alignments to maintain, as described by the adventure books, due to the core idea of the path being that your characters willingly engage in evil, even vile, acts and will consort with devils.
This campaign is not compatible with characters of good alignment
Keep in mind the themes that D&D has with the Lawful Evil alighment:
Lawful evil upholds a basic code of conduct in order to maintain some sort of sembalance of civilization. Lawful Evils are not psycopathic murderers. They do not revel in blood shed for the sake of it. This is the scope of chaotic evil.
Lawful evil is typically associated with tyranny & slavery, oppressive rules and systems that favor those already in power while keeping down the masses, and strategically outwitting your foes to bring about their demise.
The Setting
The leading rulers of Cheliax inherited their positions from those who knowingly bargained away their nation to the powers of Hell, inhabited by lawful evil fiends who exist to enslave mortal souls through trickery, subterfuge, and by signing away themselves to Hell in the afterlife through infernal bargains, complicated legalese contracts that never favor the mortal.
Life in Cheliax is not all hellfire and brimstone. Many rural peasants live in relative safety, so long as they do their job, and keep their mouths shut. Seeing a devil roam freely is uncommon, but not unheard of. All citizens and visitors of Cheliax know that speaking ill of House Thrune, the Church of Asmodeus, or Diablorie in general is a good way to end up being rounded up and dragged into a major urban area to be made an example of.
Devils differ from Demons, in that demons revel in utter chaos and suffering of all living things.
Demons want to tear your soul to shreds with their vicious teeth. Devils want you to sign it away to them on a contract.
Their are numerous other extraplanar fiends that exist between and amongst the two, but as low level characters, the differences are unimportant.
There are some character options to keep in mind, that do not usually fit into other campaigns:
Tieflings face no prejudice in Cheliax as they might elsewhere. Many are admired for their exotic appearance. (Consider Tiefling sub-category: Hellspawn, those who descend from devils)
Antipaladin, as well as Hell Knight Enforcer and Hell Knight Commander prestige classes.
(These characters represent a sort of Royal Guard for Cheliax and command fear & respect anywhere they go in the nation.
Conjurer Wizards, and Diabolist Prestige Class (Any wizard specializing in the ability to summon and command devils is held in very high esteem anywhere in Cheliax. Be warned, trying to bargain with fiends who sole purpose is to trick and enslave mortals is no easy task. Diplomacy will be a very important skill.)
Evil Priests, especially followers of Asmodeus. (This is your chance to look at some of the evil themed domains that you typically cannot choose from. Also keep in mind that in a nation where so much of the clergy worships dark gods and channels negative energy, healing magic is scarcer than elsewhere.)
Monks - Asmodeus has his own followers in the monasteries of Cheliax, who have developed their own fighting style - The path of The Hamtula (Barbed Devil)
Shadow Magic, Shadow Races - The nation of Cheliax borders Nidal, another evil nation in service to Zon'Kuthon, god of mutilation and torture. Nidal exists in a state of eternal dusk and night. Although of differing alignments and goals, Cheliax and Nidal have a certain...understanding. It is not uncommon to see a person of Nidalese birth in Cheliax. They are tolerated so long as they behave. Your character could very well be a pale skinned human spellcaster focusing on shadow magic, or a race which favors the eternally gloom and dark Nidal, such as a Drow, Dhampir, Fetchling, Orc (most of who cannot tolerate sunlight), Hobgoblin, or Wayangs. Remember though - Cheliax has normal day/night cycles.
Remember to try and balance your party: A party without a wide array of strengths is a party with a huge weakness. The very typical D&D party consists of Fighter,Cleric,Wizard, and Rogue. Less precisely, these can be thought of as Meat Shield, Healer, Magic Guy, and Skills Guy. Having only gone through 3 of the books, I can say that a party without a rogue, or equally SKILLFULL character is going to face some disadvantages, as big parts of this campaign require subterfuge, stealth, and clever thinking.
Things that MAY work against you:
Being a halfling - Halflings face some of the cruelest of all oppression in Cheliax, where they are universally assumed to be some someone's slave. Free halflings are a rare and short lived thing. Gnomes do not fair much better.
Associating with Demons - The rulers of Cheliax keep their demoniacs and other demon summoners on VERY, VERY short leashes, and are quick to dispose of them the moment they think them to be too dangerous to keep. Demoniacs not in service to someone with enough clout to vouch for them are targeted for capture by Hellknights, and are refused services by most anyone in an urban area, due to the business owner not wanting to be arrested for association.
Worshipping a Chaotic Deity - Although this undoubtly happens all over Cheliax, most are willing to turn a blind eye as long as worship is done in secrecy. Openly spreading the gospel of any chaotic deity is a quick way to find yourself at the business end of the lash.
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